
YouTube™ videos stay fixed to the top half of the window
Renders markdown documents as if they were native html pages
Show quiz and options in plain text format in a Salesforce Trailhead unit
Achromeatic is an AchromaJS-based tool to simulate different conditions of eye vision.
أول أداة تساعد الصم في ترجمة المواقع العربية بلغة الاشارة بالفيديو،طورتها مجموعة خليفة للكمبيوتر باسم منظومة تخاطب وتواصل للصم


RSS Reader, include feed's url and you are ready to go.
Перевод слов на базе экосистемы Skyeng. Выделите слово или дважды кликниете на него чтобы получить подробный перевод.
Avoid being blocked when going to your favourite bookmakers and instead go straight to their current official mirror domain.
Allows you to change the playback speed of video players. Great for listening to lectures and skipping ads!
Меняет интернет под Ваши интересы! Заменяет все, что Вам не нравится на красоту!
Lets the user select a bookmark that is constantly changing and switch it to the url of the current tab quickly and conveniently


A place for all your links
With our extension, you will receive advices every day from famous persons, who know how to live and learn theirs lessons of life.
BBO Visual Assist
Tired of missing out your seed? removing crows? or even late harvests? This extension is for you, with the new notifications feature
PicShot - Add effects to your images online. Simple to use, edit your photos with a few clicks.
Create dark empty new tab.
Disables mouse wheel scrolling in Google Calender, the new layout.
Removes copy disablers from certain pages; gives the information's control back to the user.
Change the Simplenote web app interface to a Material Design visual style.


StipsX is an extension created to make your experience at Stips.co.il better by spicing up the look of it.
This extension help retrieve PR application status instantly.
Sets the volume level of all html audio and video players automatically to a chosen level. Your ears will love it.
Removes the 'ping' attribute from all links on all websites.
Add furigana
Une extension chrome pour afficher le calendrier des evenement GdgAbidjan
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