
Inspires you to the max!
Vlume Keyboard Extension!
Adds a volume controller to the Audible webplayer.
It formats the elapsed time in the progress bar, adds break lines and converts URL strings into anchor links.
Maximizes tab that is dragged from a maximized window.
Bring back the right-click! Let me select text!
This extension lets you search youtube playlists
Get voice output of selected text in a web page.
Redirects wikipedia.org to 0wikipedia.org
Get h1/h2/h3 titles in a web page
Monitor Ruse's Water Usage
Fix useless CSS on Olive Software's SF Chronicle reader
Unconditionally raise a tab when it comes into existence.
Open any URL in incognito mode using a hotkey
Enter Phone number to access URL or Mailbox
Replaces republican presidential candidates with the members of NWA
Skip the filter page when clicking on a link in steam chat
Disables copy and cut events on web sites you visit, preventing sites from easily tracking or manipulating your copied content.
YouTubeスタジオでピンクと赤スパをハイライトする、お礼もっと便利にします。Highlights pink and red Superchats in YouTube Studio, for superchat reading convenience.
Improvements to the standard RMLSweb experience.
Speaks out Gmail's chats.
Após apertar o ok, a página fica habilitada para fazer o login
Map Switching Extension
Hotkeys to move tabs around
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