
This extension redirects an Imgur link to a direct image link.
Crowd-sourced image captions and descriptions for the visually-impaired.


Eases the browsing of Derpibooru by providing new functionalities.
Automatic approval on the PMS system (http://pms.webdev.com)
Ferramentas para auxilar no REDMINE
TurkceAltyazi.Org'da filmin sayfasında ya da film linklerine sağ tıklayıp filmin IMDB sayfasına gidebilirsiniz.
This extension will redirect user to main domain.
Читает вслух русский текст
Improve visibility of Merge Request pages of GitLab
This Chrome extension is developed primary for https://learning.most.co.id/ for screen sharing feature.


Puts even more rocket fuel into Sifter
This extension sends you a notification when you touch your face to help prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.
Creates and stores key pairs which in turn can be used to sign, encrypt/decrypt records or share encrypted aes keys.
Connect to Students, Teachers & anyone visiting your Institution Website
Replaces an embedded video with a link to the video page.
Lookup English translations of words and highlight them on the page.
myBucknell All In One
This extension will make the HTML5 Video Player whole screen, So you can skip through the meeting audio faster.
Dark theme for whatsapp web
Умный магазин онлайн-автоматизация продуктового магазина
Screensharing utility for Conectus application.
Invisibro Anonymous Surfing
Make text on any website bigger/smaller or sans-serif/serif without changing the website's layout.
Browse NETFLIX with IMDb ratings shown on title cards
Garret's Powerschool extension. Adds theme(s) and grade calculation abilities.
more quickly and more easily


잡코리아에서 잡플래닛 보기.
As you scroll through search results, the plugin will maximize the viewable scroll area by hiding fixed tools at the top.
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