
Công cụ hỗ trợ nhận dữ liệu bảng đối chiếu 20a, 20c
Расширение для вашего браузера, которое ищет купоны на AliExpress
Provide definitions of ITIL terms as tooltips
Sets the image scaling of the page to Nearest Neighbor for sharp pixels
A lightweight autocomplete extension for Twitch emotes.


Download slides on NTHU eeclass
云豹系统 Chrome 扩展
popup french dictionary for japanese speakers
Replaces the Scratch Search on the website
Browser extension syncing earnings from OnlyFans for extended reports and data analytics.
BayCheer ERP 系统助手
The most powerful sourcing tool for hiring developers.
Hide HTML Body while mouse not hovering over window
Make bookmarks re-open periodically: send time capsules to your future self!
Right click to image and Aliexpress Scan Image - Search Products By Image. List site support: amazon, ebay and etsy.com
TeamWave extension to quickly add tasklist, tasks, deals, contacts, request for leave and much more
This extension makes it easier to crop videos by only pressing the ytCropper button when seeing a video
Splashtop Individual is a remote access programming that lets you control your PC in utilizing your tablet or cell phone
A very simple extension to move tabs around with your keyboard
dokieli is a clientside editor for decentralised article publishing, annotations and social interactions.
Retrieve active tab's URL and send it to Smartertime app.
This extension allows you to add bookmarks to YouTube videos
Extension to disable YouTube's autoplay 'feature'. This implementation is pragmatic, so no fancy code: we just get the job done.
Change volume, speed, and seek with mouse wheel, adjustable control bar, take a video snapshot, and more tweaks for CuriosityStream.
Command palette for Chrome.
Sarch for available website domain names if you're a Developer, Marketer or Blogger.
An inspector tools panel. Tinker with a site's CSS in real time, automatically remember your changes.
1. Auto-plays Linux Academy videos at full-screen upon opening a lesson. 2. Automatically marks lessons complete and moves to next…
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