
Easily keep track of projects, review dates, confidentiality levels or metadata. Displays document/calendar tags in G-Suite Apps
A watchdog that checks analytics and trafic codes on every page you visit
A platformer!
This is an google chrome extension that reads http://gateway.playneverwinter.com/#char/professions profession slots and show…
Preload every same-domain URL when you hover or click on a link. Beta version, very experimental. For fun only.
Corrects the spelling of the English dictionary word No to Yesn't.
Este plugin gera CPF, matrícula do INSS e data de nascimento no Consig
PowerUp Trello
Enhance the Infusionsoft dashboard by turning numbers into buttons to replace links to Internal Forms.
Changes the twitch font to 16px (~115% bigger than default)
Browser keyboard shortcuts to anywhere at anytime
A browser extension for Walkabout Collaborative that enables virtual presence through features like video chat & screen sharing.
Backup your Pokemon Showdown team to the cloud
This extenstion will delete Recommended feed from your YouTube homepage
Check out the latest product review from Jay at Rave Review.
Clip product specs and images directly to your favorites board and projects in DesignerLogic.
Easy bookmark pages.
Add information under youtube video to know if the video is playlisted in your Youtube account
Export JIRA Issues in JSON format.
This extension will allow you ace your exams!
TTV and BTTV emotes on facebook messenger and facebook chat!
Divirta-se e aprenda a cuidar da naturez com este incrível game, mesmo estando offline.
Based on the LANChat application built for Windows devices, Chatter allows you to chat with anyone else, over multiple networks!
Update the Internet and browse Gender Free.
Cloudureka helps you to improve your cloud instantly, ensure you use right cloud and right configuration always
Sudespacho Gmail
The Leading Source of Cyber Security, Hacking News, Network Security, DDoS Attacks with In-Depth Coverage of Website Vulnerabilities
Madalin Cars Multiplayer is an epic online version of the hugely popular Madalin Cars racing series
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