
Generate unique Xpath for a DOM element
Uneedbid 購物助手,為閣下購盡心水商品
Limitless to Pipedrive developed by Limitless Digital Ltd. http://www.limitless.agency - simon@limitless.agency
Allows the user to search companies in eData.biz.
Share your vote, Enjoy your work! Extension for Turkmotion review system
Convert to several currencies
Dash Price Monitor and other utilities around Dash
Enhance your Blackboard experience
Click helper
Taco today, taco every day.
Extension de l2p-academy
Adds tooltips to stock market tickers, "Symbol (StockExchange): Bid / Ask (Change, PercentChange)"
Help you converting image markdown to <img /> tag.
Elimina todo o conteúdo referente ao BBB, o Big Brother Brasil. Da Internet INTEIRA.
Adds additional calculations and functionality to the GDAX trading view
Changing the way you connect across platforms, across people
Test deployment of the new version of PrivacyCheck.
Adds keyboard shortcuts to Nulu.com
Replace new tab page with an overview of your bookmarks
Yeni destek talepleri, faturalar ve siparişler için sesli bildirim eklentisi. Modüller için sesler özel olarak eklenebiliyor.
This extension allows the user to extend chart from bitfinex on whole page
A smarter way to manage your sources!
Create a simple online portfolio website in 1-Click, for FREE. No computer skills required.
Open a sketch in a new tab and it will automatically rate + comment
Get and Set Student Attendance Detail.
Mit der Talentgrabber Erweiterung für Google Chrome können Sie Kandidaten von überall dort aussuchen, wo Sie sie im Web finden.…
This extension allows you to play Clash Royale game from the task bar icon.
Enables line wrapping in
 tags.  Uncheck "Enabled" whenever you want to revert to the default behavior.
Unlocks reddits previously exclusive power user suite
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