
Расширение заменяет все картинки на страницах на фотографии Кайрата Нуртаса.
Automatically detect instances of asciinema links in a README on GitHub and embed the player in its place
Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Shop and Give Button
Replaces 'commits' with 'poops'.
Управляй музыкой вне страницы ВК!
This extension adds the link you are on to a debate on ConvinceMe
Find that tab you're looking for with just a few keystrokes, reduce tab clutter and be more productive


Minecraft Remake game, now available on chrome
Adds niceties to the Cassandra Test Engineering Task Board .
SeoVisor - подробная seo информация про страницу
Add Translation button on steemit page.
Report of request & reponse
Sort comments by votes or time. It also opens the comments by default without having to click "Show Comments".
Extensión necesaria para compartir escritorio dentro de la plataforma de colaboración de Vozero.MX.
Fully Customize your screenshots straight from browser
edit 1.2: highscore with chrome storage API! snake bug still there, so I'll try to fix it soon This extension is for the average…
When you reading web article, you can find the pepople reactions on Twitter
Приложение позволяет создавать заметки, на отдельной странице сайта, так и на всем сайте целиком. Все созданные на странице заметки…
Плагин удобной навигации по сайту Aliexpress. Теперь совершать покупки на Aliexpress намного удобне.
Select content on HTML and push it to mobile device
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Quickly find U.S. patents by number.
Premier Reader Chrome Toolbar
Ứng dụng gọi điện dành cho eTelecom
Upload your images with one click to Imag.cx and share it with your friends!
Public Volunteer Computing Project. V1: Label the Unsplash Images using Deep Learning
Hypnosis Audios and classes for weight loss and to stop smoking by Orlando hypnotist Daniel Olson
This extension calculates your BMI and ideal weight to help you track your weight loss targets, provided by SKS 3 Fitness.com
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