
Barzellette divertenti
Einige Hilfefunktionen für das Browsergame Demonlords
A tool to build a better democracy. Truth Matters
Improve the typography of any website by using proper quotation marks and dashes.
Replace text 'social' to 'arse'
Adds smooth scroll to top of the current page
Run a heuristic evaluation on your website
Автоматический пункт обмена валют
نقدم لكم اخر اخبر العراق و الوطن العربي على مدار الساعة اخبار عامة واخبار الرياضة و الاعمال
Copy code snippets from your favorite sites, on one click.
Zjistí expiraci ČD bodů (+ mapa a počasí cíle, řazení a další odkazy podle cíle cesty)
Gives a random verse from the standard works of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints. (Not an official church app.)
Realtime data about satellites overhead.
This extension will help navigate to aura docs, the component library of an org and also few frequently used documentation.
Landscape art for Google Search page
The Spear Stickman is a savage spear fighting game. You need to control the spear to defeat Stickman on other platforms.
A Chrome extension to replace the phrase Donald Trump to Scrooge McDuck
Generate random form input based on input type. Input will be saved into local storage automatically
Organize and preview your websites
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with pimentaLIVE.
Save emails with a click
A browser extension to check if a given web technology is supported by browsers
Easy Search For Song All Over The Web......
Shows you someone's NFTs when you visit their profile on twitter. It uses HumanityDAO for the twitter => wallet mapping.
This extension applies a font much more suitable for President Trump's tweets
This extension reloads OBI sessions page with user filter.
Movies Search Tool - Find Your Favorite Movies & Series
This extension will play the 'Buying Mode' music from the Sims to immerse you in any online shopping experience
Gif Editor
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