
A Chrome Browser Extension to Add Spaced Repetition to Duolingo
Keep an eye on your spendings.
Brings back the legendary gamemode known as VTOL to bonk.io
Includes HD wallpaper images of the game Sonic Frontier on every tab background.
Merging supplier data!
Includes HD wallpaper images of the show Descendants on every tab background.
This extension allows the user to export data in csv format from facebook search results
Text to speech service for icelandic
Give your Chrome a new look with Cuphead wallpapers wallpapers bring your chrome a new look and useful tools
A custom-built solver for Wordle that can solve a puzzle in an average of under 4 guesses!
Easy Connect from Chrome with your Password Manager Platform
An extension that brings only comfort and convenience to Internet surfing. When turning on our Dark Spirit extension, the…
Watch Netflix with friends online! Extension to watch Netflix together and chat.
A set of improvements for the Conflict of Nations UI experience.
export the report
Matcha Chrome extension
If you don't know what to do or need a distraction from routine work, the Paint-to-Paint extension is perfect for you. After…
Flip panes of p5.js editor
enjoy drawing on any website you want with the drawer extension.
Edit your HTML & CSS style and copy your code
Fable brings a collaboration dashboard to your team on every page of the internet
“Bingoogle shortcuts” provides keyboard shortcuts for “Bing” and “Google“. You will be able to search and browse without mouse.
Ваш помощник для работы с CMS Bitrix / WordPress / NetCat
코인 제과점 Bitget 단축키
Content scripts to bring sanity into the NW MLS Matrix UI. Crappy extension to make the webapp a little less crappy.
From pocket to chrome bookmarks
Makes sure you always get email copy of your responses [me@nishantarora.in]
Limits your tabs to help prevent too-many-tabs syndrome.
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