
EELO realtime chrome extension enable free realtime webRTC videoconferences, screensharing, voip, xmpp chat
This extinsion (AFEX Rate) shows recent exchange rate other currencies to Afghani, data loads from Da Afghanistan Bank website.
CSE115A Chrome Extension project
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Learn how to pass the ASVAB
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Easily share the page you're visiting with your friends on VKontakte (VK.com)
This extension will get the User ID
Surfcave is a free image sharing extension and viewing platform that allows members to present their browsing habits in real time.
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Ripple Price Ticker and other utilities around Ripple
Fix the bottom scrollbar hiding pre formated text/code on stack overfow
Quickly launch a Next Tech sandbox from anywhere on the web!
Calendário das Séries
Spritz with japanese supported / 日本語対応したSpritz
for searching recipe blogs: replaces diet talk with nature emoji
HireStorm extension
Auto refresh for Battle.net China when pages return error 503
Fastly check a GitHub repository's health and save your time when choosing what software to use or contribute with.
Stay at the edge of human knowledge. Deepen your understanding of the world around you.
Tracks Amazon Product Prices
Extension for facebook marketing!
Make erasure poetry from websites.
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Расширение для модернизации обновлённого дизайна VK по рекомендациям создателя социальной сети ВКонтакте.
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop to Iris.
Unuglifying exam.edu.np and other ioe sites.
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