
Calculate sale tax according to your before-tax price, sale tax rate.
Install this extension to allow your browser to save your login and password for BU WebLogin.
Encrypt and protect your information on any web site by security question and answer. Only correct answer can decrypt the message.
Doom for Hire initiative tracker
Find and Replace Words on Websites.
Add this app to your Chrome browser and join our fictional world where we replace all instances of "Katy Perry" with "Gwen Breton."
Favorite, Bookmark & Mark link as Read in Github
Implements an ignore list within Slack.
online measurement calculators, random name and number generators, online web tools and more
Chat within GitHub
Jobrain LinkedIn Prospects let you import your LinkedIn 1st degree connections directly to your Jobrain account
Introduce chaos into your webpages to test how well they deal with localization and errors
Read sites like bookmarked books!
Click to switch document
This extension acts as a Form fill and password manager.
Invoice Rocket
This chrome extension allows you to generate MarkUp Pages straight from your browser


Techzei News Feed
Need a safe space? This extension changes all mentions of “Dear White People” online to “Dear ALL People.”
Soccer has never been this fun. Simply drag, aim and release to shoot the soccer ball.The first to score 3 goals wins.Features:- C
Cofactor brings language comprehension directly to your browser. Browse through Google Maps to harness the power of Ora with ease.
A chrome extension solution for monitoring amazon connect CCP from callstats.io.
Gunun Duasi - Google Eklenti-Uzanti Uygulamasi
Search with Guitars and get the lastest Guitars News!
Chiffrez vos publications personnelles et vos photos sur les réseaux sociaux pour protéger votre vie privée et celle de vos enfants.
This extension enables you to use multiple search engines.
This extension removes Sponsored Posts & Suggestion Posts on Facebook feed.
Never buy junk, again. Amazon All-Stars filters out products below a certain rating from your Amazon search results.
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