
A collection of development tools
Get etymon of words by just one-click
Stop auto-complete feature of cbgrn.
This ensures your online shopping activity generates donations to the Cause of your choice without having to click via Spendow.com.
Amazon Fast Search allows you search X amount of items (up to 10 items) at the same time! Also allows you to select a text and…
Out Of The Office Jobs. Hire remote! Work from anywhere.


Use this extension on a tab with a Google maps route and it will show you elevation changes along the way
Enables screen sharing from TutorEye
Save Money & get the best deals every time you make purchase
This extension automatically detects and blocks PopUp advertisements opened in New Tab
A quick compare for your website on small and large screen
Xoxoday plum chrome extension allows you to reward with ease. It allows you to reward contacts on your CRM or helpdesk, your…


Hang anything you find on the web in your clositt
Share everywhere
evga.kr stock alert
Automated Company Search in ADA
Razširitev za spletno aplikacijo Adverts Tracker, ki se uporablja za sledenje oglasom na različnih slovenskih in tujih portalih…
The bare minimum to make AstrologyZone legible.
Remove all posts with given # from your FB feed
Expand code samples in stackoverflow comments and github.
Rimuove la spazzatura Vegana dalla timeline facebook
Improves Bitbucket issues. CSS fixes and quick access to issues from list
A chrome extension which can show RSS feeds and Create a task List
Makes bug descriptions 100% of screen, useful for bugs that have stack traces.
Catch the contents of the course message
SoftSearch allows you to navigate easily through google search results and do much more in less time. Developed by soft&hard.
Community Based Scam Identification Tool
Just view the cards that are assigned to you on Trello board
A Chrome extension which replaces the word 'business' with 'burrito'.
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