
Finding tabs with a ctrl+f like search
Swap words on any web page.


Easy access to online tools. Select your favorite online tools and create your personal toolbox
Fast on-page finding and clicking.


Create tags for urls
Current tab is always moved to the far left such that tabs are sorted by recency by default
Tracks changes to your twitter friends
A plugin to allow you to go straight to a search results Youtube page
Import Your LinkedIn Profile to Your SciBase Profile
Convert currencies of different countries. Compare & research over different currencies
Free internet marketing tips every Tuesday
Make Dan Chuck
Utilize text-to-speech on selection
Video Record My Life is designed to help you record memories just like you would do in a journal but in video and picture format.…
Upload and share your clips, images and gifs to StreamCrux instantly!
Manage your work by grouping tabs from similar domains into a single chrome window
Quickly see the comments on a given Github page
Creates a new hyperlink at the bottom right hand corner of every post that takes you to the top of that post
Anaplan Script Model Analysis.
Search with Comme des Garcons and get the lastest Comme des Garcons News!
IodineGBA Web
A personal landing page to access all bookmarks.


Warning: Yoga has been known to promote health and happiness. Do it right with the equipment you need and the mental state to go w
Quick Launch of Houssem Nmiri's Contact Informations and Youtube Channel
Changes tent city or detention center to Concentration Camp on website
Add profile links as a dropdown menu to github navigator.
Google Chrome extension for saas-class.org that helps user following pastebin links on video lecture in easy way. If you don't…
Chỉ cần bôi đen dòng chữ bất kỳ Zen sẽ thay bạn nói ra lời muốn nói
Tool to generate a name for paid social campaigns
Turn any text into a barcode. This includes email addresses for easy scanning at checkout, phone numbers and cryptocurrency wallets.
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