
AdClarity Media Intelligence Toolbar is now available for Chrome! Get the world's leading advertising media insights directly on…
Monitor, browse and filter all DOM changes with ease.
Currency converter, Easily convert foreign currency (USD, EUR, GBP, JPY etc)!
JavaScript Injector extension allows you to inject any custom remote script to webpage. Facilities: Inject javascript in body or…
Music Visualizer for Google Play Music and YouTube
DESCRIPTION The Xerox Mobile Print Portal requires one of our Xerox Mobile Print Solutions currently available on…


Convert text to speech.
Find and Identify! Recognizes any music playing on any website in your browser.
Cold Search setting your browser default search
Make your Google page have the daily Bing wallpaper in Full HD
Grow your Instagram™ Followers Effectively and Safely. Grow 50+ followers per day!
A lot of meme sound such as the air horn and more!
This extension automatically checks pop3 accounts in gmail for new mails.
Gauge measures and displays your recent internet performance characteristics.
الموجز...كل الأخبار باختصار
Shop online with Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Bitcoin Cash! Shopping with crypto is available on Amazon.com and more to come!
Hỗ trợ đăng nhập vào crm.alosoft.vn, lấy số điện thoại từ facebook search
Manilla Auto Login
PicsArt - the best photo editor and photo collage - more than 500 million.
Organize customer support across various channels - email, live chat and popular messenger services
Watch videos in a popup. Auto HD, Resizable, Autoplay, Autoloop, No Ads, Movie Mode, Auto-pause/resume, and more!
Set Bing as your default search provider
Baixe arquivos SEM ESPERAR e SEM LIMITE DE VELOCIDADE no Hangar.cloud.
N-WAX(NHN Web Accessibility extension) is a tool that can help diagnose and fix the accessibility problem.
Jusqu'à 10% remboursés toute l’année sur vos achats chez plus de 500 marchands
Play videos in HD
Manage site-specific zoom levels and color settings
This extension lets you check your server status easily.
Дополнительная информация о продавцах автомобилей на популярных сайтах avito.ru, auto.ru, am.ru, irr.ru, drom.ru и других.
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