
Chrome extension that displays an inspirational quote, notes bar, and quick links to personal Google sites!
Quickly and easily visualise, book and set reminders for Group Study Rooms across ANU.
Intelligently expands text fields for multiline editing.


BOOM chrome extention will make all text in the browser clear bold letters .
Tag bookmark - the best way to manage bookmarks
An alternative approach to export reports to high quality PDF in servicenow.
Simple and useful time tracker for achievers.
Full Material-esque redesign of Amazon.com. Author: Blake Stacks
Hides ‘Foreign agents’ disclaimers from Meduza's facebook posts and from articles on their website
An extension to display mint account value in CAD and USD
This extension creates a context-menu entry that copies selected text and formats it per Octopress's blockquote syntax.
Quickly bookmark the current tab to Pinboard.
Extension that automatically identifies phone number and adds dial code based on availible flag.
The Atro browser extension scans your browser configuration and plugins and alerts you to security issues.
URL blocker con URLs personalizadas que el usuario puede guardar en un archivo
Skip To The Next Subtitle in a Netflix Video
Adds extra features to the Glassdoor.com job seeker experience
How many clicks are necessary to find Gon !
No nucl-th paper in hep-ph
Автоматический выбор наилучшего качества ролика на YouTube
An extension for checking your env
Removes nagelsvamp from Disqus!
User Intent Prediction System
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://edplus.biz/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
Desactiva la suspensión de pestañas, navega sin preocupaciones.
Makes it easy to navigate with the keyboard through the links of the messages you are reading on Gmail.
ShopGizmo Card extension
This Google Chrome extension makes it easier to use CAMPHOR-LGTM.
A dank chrome extension.
This application keeps track of URLs visited
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