
simple extension for finding background color that looks beautiful for webpage
This extension creates a annotation environment for the entire internet.
Gawdai Extension
Showing Redmine Description Contents
This Chrome extension is developed primary for http://tokbox.com/. It doesn't do anything except capture content of your screen.
This screen capturing and annotation extension for applications built with trova
Hides forum signatures. RSI forums only (yet!)
Mark a url as live or local
Helper for printing in Biblionix Apollo
Auto calculate 20% project managment with Harvest
Makes the Guardian Soulmates website less terrible.
A sample extension which uses Google Analytics to track usage.
Replace words in the news to make it more fun. Inspired by this comic: http://xkcd.com/1288/
Felipe the solution provider
nCore visited
Twitter-inspired chrome extension to show if someone is following you on GitHub
desentupidora em São Paulo
Conference Scraping
This is to support the TechSupportGuy tools for cam work. See https://techsupportguy.biz
Add controls for VK
Focus is an open source extension that cleans up tabs that distracts you
Hilo Plugin
Cleans up Facebook page by removing unwanted posts/ads.
Changes the cursor when a hyperlink (or button) links to a URL which contains an email address in it.
Manage Ledger ,Trezor ,Keepkey ,Coolwallet,Bitbox and Secalot Assets with MEW Chrome Extension.
FreeMex Tool是一个便捷工具,针对FreeMex业务可以帮用户快速生成公钥、私钥、签名的辅助工具。
add www. before mitbbs.com
Allows Twitch streamers to notifi their viewers whenever they want.
Browser history calculator
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