
Includes HD wallpaper images of beautiful Seqouia Trees on every tab background.
Personalize your new tab experience
Extention for blocking clickbait articles reported by community.
A Chrome extension panel assisting research & scholarship at WIU Libraries.
Replaces the text for big bunches of things that I find funny. Inspired by Cloud-to-Butt, but with many more words substituted.
Automatically answers all Prutor Questions
Helps streamers accept challenges from twitch subscribers on lichess.org!
A FREE and easy to use screen recording extension
A website blocker to help you to keep focused
Pano helps you to capture, curate, and share beautiful product updates with your customers & teammates
Automatically highlights phone numbers to engage through the SocialMiningAi Engagement platform
Discard tabs other than active ones to free resources
Use a custom URL as the New Tab page without losing address bar focus
Calculates the time between to dates!
Inspiration in your new tab and with a personal dashboard featuring focus, to-do, weather, balance etc.
auto logs in into your exercise page
This tool allowed you to replace the desired text and hightlight them if you want.
Essa extensão vai facilitar/automatizar a compra nas principais lojas de sneakers do Brasil
Get Inspired by Jigsaw Thinking
An anime scrobbler built into your web browser.
Klarity screen capture pluginnn!
Easily find out the reliability of a website using the Trustpilot.com score straight from your browser. No need to open a new tab…
This extension enables recordings of web sessions for use with Applause Codeless Automation.
Extension to collect data for the EasyPIMS platform.
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A new tab extension to help you lighten up
Do you play FIFA Ultimate team? This extension adds more quality of life.
Transfer files from Dropbox to Google Drive and vice versa.
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