
Create, send, track, and eSign proposals and quotes from within Copper CRM to expedite your sales process and close deals fast.
마우스 오른쪽 클릭으로 네이버 검색
Take a picture and record videos from webcam and save them to Google Drive and PC. Share them with your friends.
Zinbee multi tools
Stream content from social media networks to Vizrt Social TV
Automatically remove users from your Facebook group in one click!
Improve your language skills by watching TV shows and movies.
Instant visual analysis of websites to perform competitor analysis or conversion rate optimization.
Encrypt any email message using the S/MIME and certificates technology with CipherMail
Drag and resize a ruler overlay to quickly measure pixel dimensions, positioning, and alignment of elements on any webpage.
Be up-to-date and track your favorite Cryptocurrencies movement.
Counts characters and words on web pages with a simplicity of a MS Word count. English language only.
Save places from popular travel websites.
Bookmarks to Adobe Experience Cloud: Analytics, AEP Data Collection Tags (formerly Launch), Target, Campaign, AEM and other products
Helps you stay focused on the web by blocking unnecessary destractions
Show HTML5 stored files through File System API.
View Google Search Console at full width
通過閱讀您喜歡的媒體、聽音樂以及觀看 Netflix 和 YouTube 來學習語言。 任何文章或視頻都是學習英語單詞的課程。
The simple contrast ratio checker on web pages.
A clipboard app that synchronizes across iOS, android and chrome extensions
Innovative Website & SEO Audit Tool - Quickly show prospects what’s wrong with their website. Get more meetings. Win more deals.
Displays ARIA used in web technologies, includes live region, and widget roles, proper nesting and focus management.
Draggable guides and measuring for your browser
Gives a detailed info about the image like URL, alt text, file size and dimension
Send information about the current page to Airtable
JSON LD Test and Viewer
Reminds you when your laptop battery is fully charged!
Obtén acceso inmediato a tus capítulos, películas y notificaciones de PlayMax.
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