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اضافة لتسريع عملية تقييم المحاضرين
Finds the BTC values on any website and displays the live conversion to your currency.
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A tree-view bookmark sidebar which allows for easier navigation
CloudCodes For Business extension provided by cloudcodes software to enforces DLP and access control policies.
Create and share interactive screen recordings
Analyzes the number of nodes, depth and size of your DOM for profiling, speed or SEO purposes.
An extension for GDS contentsquare connector
This extension allows to open a Whatsapp chat with any number
This extension allows the user check tracking setup.
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A feature-packed distraction-free web reader with dyslexia support and research tools
Convert PowerPoint slides(pptx, ppt) to PDF documents.
Raspberry applies a new theme to UWaterloo Quest and allows you to export course schedule as file or picture.
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Filter feeds, lists and comment sections on all websites at the same time with this universal keyword blocker.
Automatically set YouTube™ quality to lowest possible for each video to save bandwidth for slow connections and/or small datacaps.
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Devtools panel to visualize rxjs observables
Clear the browser's cache and do a hard reload with a single click
Manage your downloads from Chrome's toolbar like you would do with Firefox.
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Save time and stay organized with Nutshell for Gmail.
Расширения для заработка на контекстной рекламе
Find the email addresses behind any website and AutoSave them to use anytime.
Today’s sales professionals spend over 64% of their time not selling, we’re here to change that! We believe salespeople are meant…
This extension shows removed comments in Youtube livestreams
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