Chatruletka ( Extension

社交通讯插件大小: 3.77MiB版本: v 1.1更新时间: 2021-12-21
大小:3.77MiB版本:v 1.1更新时间:2021-12-21

Extension for Chatruletka (aka interlocutor's IP location, autoskip of the specified gender, blacklist, hotkeys, PiP, etc.

Chatruletka ( Extension 的使用方法详解,最全面的教程

Chatruletka ( Extension 描述:



扩展大小:3.77 MiB


版本:v 1.1

Chatruletka ( Extension 插件简介:

这是来自Chrome商店的 Chatruletka ( Extension 浏览器插件,您可以在当前页面下载它的最新版本安装文件,并安装在Chrome、Edge等浏览器上。

Chatruletka ( Extension插件下载方法/流程:


Chatruletka ( Extension插件安装教程/方法:


(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面

(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”

(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,


Chatruletka Extension brings a lots of cool features to the Chatruletka platform (aka, minichat, Чат Рулетка). You will be able to find out where your interlocutors are from, filter them by gender, search for a specific city, auto-blur nsfw and much more! You can even hide your camera to make the conversation more natural! 'Chatruletka' is a web project where people can find a random interlocutor with one click. 'Chatruletka' platform has 40+ web instances and 3 big mobile apps. 🦧 Features * Determine the location of the interlocutor by his/her/their IP address. * Streamer mode featuring nsfw protection, special PiP and much more! * Automatically close the window "are you there?". * Determine the current time of the interlocutor's location. * Determine the gender of the interlocutor and skip it automatically if the gender does not meet your expectations. * Determine whether the interlocutor uses VPN/TOR to fake his location. * Block the ip of the interlocutor in order not to meet with him again. * Count various stats. * Picture-in-Picture mode. * Mirror mode. It's useful if you don't have a physical camera (more info on github). * Show a map of the interlocutor's city. * Take a full screenshot of the interlocutor's camera or your own. * Hide the video chat watermark / banner. * Hide your camera to make the conversation more natural. * Open the clean site version by clicking on the extension icon. * Auto-skip the interlocutor if he/she is not from the country you are looking for. * Auto-skip people who take too long to connect to. * Сancel local camera reflection. * Help you with advice if you accidentally got banned. * Convenient keyboard shortcuts for the most popular buttons. * Hotkey to switch between the active tab and the chat tab. * Countless quality-of-life minor improvements. 🎰 'Chat Roulette' is a global platform that includes: * (Android, 50M+ users) * Чат Рулетка (Android, 10M+ users) * Minichat (iOS) * * * * * * 40+ less popular websites with similar designs 👨‍💻👩‍💻 This is an open source project under the MIT license. The project is not related to the administration of the platform. Anyone can participate in the development of an extension on GitHub. 🌐 Links * GitHub: * Discord:


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