
You know what it does.
Example by eran
Replaces "friendzone with" Alsace-Lorraine. Inspired by, and forked from, millenials to snake people.
Extension servant à notifier lorsque Sixen est en live et aussi lorsqu'une nouvelle vidéo sera disponible sur sa chaine Youtube.…
Finds Billboard chart info for the currently playing song
Hide progress bar / duration when watching YouTube videos
An auto-updater for
Enhances with tools to organise the tunes you're learning
Soyez au courant quand xjonny84x commence a streamer!
Notifie lorsque Swifii est en live
Opens all links on reddit page in new tabs
The first sebastian that I ever made.
All this extension does is hurt your eyes
probability based user link diverting to Youtube video
Save your time scrolling past the long blogs and have the site show only what matters: the recipe card.
See the number of votes on twitter polls
Creates nicknames like magic!
FavTab's Best Monkeys - Mandrills - Best Mandrill's images in a click of a button
Makes your day better when your build fails.
Impercube vote
Shows the USD price of Bitcoin, and percent change, on the date a tweet was made.
Turns fictional character Donald Trump into fictional character Mr. Bobbins
randomly play your bookmark
Compare real price with crawled price and write it to spreadsheet
Somewhat accurate, injectable tone classification
العب الشطرنج عبر الإنترنت مجانًا على موقعنا مع أكثر من 50 مليون عضو من جميع أنحاء العالم. استمتع بتحدي الكمبيوتر!
Pacman Retro Game does not lose its relevance. Play Pacman Retro Game in your browser, even in offline mode.
Replaces science with 'science'.
Gives accurate names to politicians
Play Youtube videos on your TV using your XBMC
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