
Make people with this extention think they have no internet
Hadron provides an API for extensions to modify or replace messages in Stack Exchange chat rooms, for example as a profanity filter.
Replaces "millennial" with "43 year old white men."
Say goodbye to the Johnson. Forever.
Epix Hotel: Accedi a contenuti e benefici esclusivi utilizzando la nostra estensione.
Declintonate your life.
Base Level Extension
RC Zeudonyms :facepunch: is a Chrome Extenstion to glance at your true self. Installing RC Zeudonyms To install RC Zeudonyms…
colors and stuff proof of concept
This extension is meant as a solution for Share-Before-Play websites, which let you play a video only after sharing the link.
finding the best online portfolio/person!
Changes all instances of man to people ie: mankind -> peoplekind.
This extension correctly completes Captain Kirk's Beer Quiz
Uses Buddha Machine loops for never-ending peaceful browsing.
Copy the Bee Movie script INSTANTLY at the click of a button.
Emotes from BTTV/FFZ on
Very simple extension to hide Lichess game types
Replaces Game Of Throne Characters with Kardashians.
An extension tool for storing and tracking Web Novels, Webtoons, Mangas, and other style of publications on a table.
This corrects an outdated word to what it should be saying.
Toggle the visibility of the Hangouts contact list
Changes Hillary to Shillary.
Mengganti text koruptor menjadi maling uang rakyat
Vous informe si il y a un live
Rewrites the web in more descriptive language.
Adds a sidebar to Craigslist pages to guide entry into Shift database.
You get a word! And you get a word!
Extension Chrome Bytell2
Supprime enfin le roquefort de votre vie !
Revolutionize your browsing experience
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