Zhihu Topbar Remover

新闻天气插件大小: 87.5KiB版本: v 0.8.0更新时间: 2021-12-21
大小:87.5KiB版本:v 0.8.0更新时间:2021-12-21

Do you think the big blue topbar in zhihu is too dazzling? Let's remove it. 难道你不觉得知乎的蓝色顶栏太过刺眼了吗?来去掉它。

Do you think the big blue topbar in zhihu is too dazzling? Let's remove it. 难道你不觉得知乎的蓝色顶栏太过刺眼了吗?来去掉它。


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