
תוסף שקוף - מידע מעודכן ואמין על חברי הכנסת ופירסום סמוי - מכל עמוד וכל רגע.
Observe las predicciones para su signo! Vea su horóscopo y descubra su fortuna! Sorpréndase con lo que las estrellas deparan para ti
Peek at gold and silver prices.
An extension to track Stocks, MFs, ETFs and Bonds
This is the best extension I have ever made! I was not totally happy with my first NBC News video extension. I think this one is…
Simple Weather Forecast and Radar shows the current conditions, forecast, and radar image.
Local weather forecast, with alerts of current conditions in real timen
Veja a cotação do Bitcoin Cash através do
SpoilerTV provides the definitive collection of TV spoilers and show information for the most popular shows on TV.
Show the Cardano ticker price and set an alert so that the browser icon will flash when the alert price is passed.
Replaces images of Nigel Farage or UKIP with kittens. Because kittens > UKIP.
Guia de television - teletexto de la TDT
The easiest way to stay updated with your favorite news sites
Malaysiakini news coverage concentrates mainly on local events, with a strong emphasis on items related to Malaysian politics.
Focus on the really fresh and unread news in YCombinator - Hacker News. Relocate read items into the bottom of the website.
Orbital Clock
Слідкуй за якістю повітря в Києві та передмісті realtime!
Help us improve the quality of online discourse!
This extension identifies fake & unreliable news and helps to identify media bias.
Displays the current bitcoin price at Bitstamp.
Veja a cotação do Dogecoin através do
Displays precise local and utc date and time
Simply stunning weather app for your blank tabs. Watch the weather !
Breaking news from NZ every time you open a new tab
The famous APOD : Astronomy Picture Of the Day
Displays RSS feeds in a small desktop notification styled window, now with Pocket(R) support!
Gunluk Hava Durumu - Google Chrome Eklenti-Uzanti Uygulamasi
The official OMG! Chrome! extension
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