
生产工具插件大小: 386KiB版本: v 0.9.3更新时间: 2022-06-16
大小:386KiB版本:v 0.9.3更新时间:2022-06-16

Mock, modify, and replay HTTP response

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ModResponse 描述:



扩展大小:386 KiB


版本:v 0.9.3

ModResponse 插件简介:

这是来自Chrome商店的 ModResponse 浏览器插件,您可以在当前页面下载它的最新版本安装文件,并安装在Chrome、Edge等浏览器上。





(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面

(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”

(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,


ModResponse is a developer tool used to manipulate HTTP response. With ModResponse, you can modify the HTTP response body, status code, and headers. You can also reroute your HTTP request to a different server, allowing you to test your local changes in production domain within seconds. ** What can ModResponse do?** - Record and replay HTTP response - Stub HTTP response - Reroute request to a different URLs - Change HTTP response body, status code, and headers - Delay HTTP requests to simulate slow network - Simulate network errors - Advanced filtering by tab, tab group, or window ** Sample use cases ** - Slow requests slowing down UI development Do you have XHR requests that are taking 10 seconds to finish, and every time you make a small UI tweak you need to wait 10 seconds for the XHR request to finish to visualize your change? Using replay response, you can record and replay the slow XHR request. That way, you will only need to wait on the slow XHR request once. All subsequent requests to be served from the cached response within a few milliseconds. - Develop a UI that depends on a difficult to reproduce scenarios Need to handle a 4XX or 5XX status code from an XHR request, or try out how your UI will behave with a very long string? Using replay response or stub response, you can modify the response body, status code, or response headers to simulate different scenarios that you need to handle. - Develop a UI against unimplemented APIs Are you a web developer who is blocked because an endpoint you depend on is not yet implemented? Using stub response, you can mock the API response so you can start developing against that endpoint. That way, you can develop the frontend while others implement the endpoint (as long as the actual implementation return the response in the same format). - Testing on production domains Do you need to integrate with a third party platform that only works on your production domain? Using proxy request, you can reroute the request from your production domain to localhost or a dev domain, allowing you to test your changes on your production domain without the risk of breaking it. - Debug edge cases Need to test how your app behaves when some resources takes too long to load, or when they fail to load due to network errors? With ModResponse, you can add artificial delay and simulate different network error conditions so you can debug and handle edge cases with ease. ** Other ModResponse features ** - Support having multiple profiles with quick switching between profiles - Export and import profile - Easily share your profiles with others - Dark mode support - Customizable profile badge - Clone profile ...and more!!! ** Permissions ** ModResponse currently requires these permissions: 1, "debugger" 2, "tabs" 3, "storage" 4, "unlimitedStorage" 5, "contextMenus" "debugger" is required in order for response modification to work. "tabs" permission is required for prefilling the URLs, and for tab filter, tab group filter, and window filter to work. "storage" and "unlimitedStorage" are required to store the response modification. "contextMenus" is used to enable quick pause/unpause by right-clicking on the icon. ** Known issues ** 1, You will see ["ModResponse" started debugging this browser] banner when ModResponse is activated. This is because it uses the debugger API, which is needed for response modification. Due to Chrome's security policy (, that banner would show up on all tabs even when a tab is not being modified, and it may still for a few more seconds after ModResponse is paused or disabled. To hide it, you can run chrome with --silent-debugger-extension-api command line switch. 2, Clicking on the "Cancel" button on the ["ModResponse" started debugging this browser] banner will not deactivate ModResponse. To deactivate it, please open ModResponse and click on the "Pause" button. Once paused, the banner should disappear in a few seconds.


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