Fast AdBlock-快速广告拦截器

生产工具插件大小: 1.71MiB版本: v 1.1更新时间: 2020-02-25
大小:1.71MiB版本:v 1.1更新时间:2020-02-25

Fast AdBlock is a popular tool for blocking ads in the browser.

Fast AdBlock-快速广告拦截器 的使用方法详解,最全面的教程

Fast AdBlock-快速广告拦截器 描述:





版本:v 1.1

Fast AdBlock-快速广告拦截器 插件简介:

这是来自Chrome商店的 Fast AdBlock-快速广告拦截器 浏览器插件,您可以在当前页面下载它的最新版本安装文件,并安装在Chrome、Edge等浏览器上。

Fast AdBlock-快速广告拦截器插件下载方法/流程:


Fast AdBlock-快速广告拦截器插件安装教程/方法:


(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面

(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”

(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,


快速AdBlock阻止Internet上的廣告。 使用Fast AdBlock在您訪問的每個網站上停止廣告。 試圖找到阻止廣告的解決方案?我們的Fast AdBlock產品會刪除您訪問的每個網站上的所有廣告,包括視頻廣告之前的廣告,文字廣告和橫幅廣告,這一切都要歸功於Fast AdBlock。 快速AdBlock的有用功能: 快速AdBlock阻止所有網站上的廣告,包括最受歡迎的網站。 快速AdBlock阻止文字廣告,橫幅廣告,視頻廣告和Flash廣告。 快速AdBlock會在下載之前屏蔽廣告,而不僅僅是在加載後刪除廣告。 快速AdBlock阻止第三方跟踪器並保護您的隱私。 如果您喜歡Ultra Adblock,請與他人共享。您的積極反饋有助於我改善它。謝謝! ---------------------------------- ★評論-快速的AdBlock用戶(我們感到自豪) 萊昂納多·韋加(Leonardo Veiga)★★★★★ 我將Fast AdBlock評為5星,因為它是最有效的廣告攔截器。 莉亞·万科★★★★★ 我對Fast AdBlock感到滿意。這會屏蔽廣告。 瑞安·奧斯瓦爾德(Ryan Oswald)★★★★★ 借助Fast AdBlock,不再有更多廣告!很棒! 羅斯·金(Ross King)★★★★★ 最重要的是,我喜歡這個Fast AdBlock擴展。幹得好,謝謝大家。 蒂芙尼·門德斯(Tiffany Mendes)★★★★★ 快速AdBlock是針對侵入性廣告的最佳解決方案。我向大家推薦。 艾麗莎·沃拉克★★★★★ 快速AdBlock對我來說效果很好-太好了,這個緊張的廣告不再困擾我。 威爾遜·加西亞(Wilson Garcia)★★★★★ 太酷了-阻止了廣告,尤其是點擊型幻燈片放映!感謝Fast AdBlock的開發人員。 艾瑪·凱利★★★★★ 快速AdBlock可以100%運行,我檢查了它並屏蔽了所有廣告。 戴安娜·威廉姆斯(Diana Williams)★★★★★ 老實說,我對Fast AdBlock的工作印象深刻。當然是5星。謝謝! 理查德·莫里斯(Richard Morris)★★★★★ 快速AdBlock是您可以獲得的最好的廣告攔截器,太棒了,我完全建議您使用它! 戴維·愛德華茲(David Edwards)★★★★★ 非常令人印象深刻!感謝Fast AdBlock幫助我銷毀了所有這些愚蠢的廣告! ---------------------------------- 快速AdBlock更改列表(主要更改): -次要技術修復,易於使用Fast AdBlock -快速AdBlock的速度提高 -更新了快速AdBlock用戶界面材料 -快速AdBlock的次要修復 -在工具欄上添加了快速AdBlock控制按鈕 Fast AdBlock Blocks ads across the Internet. Stop ads on every site you visit with Fast AdBlock. Trying to find a solution to block ads? Our Fast AdBlock product removes all ads on every website you visit, including video ads before ads, text and banner ads and all this thanks to Fast AdBlock. Useful features of Fast AdBlock: Fast AdBlock blocks ads on all sites, including the most popular. Fast AdBlock blocks text ads, banners, video ads and flash ads. Fast AdBlock blocks ads before downloading, and not just removes ads after loading. Fast AdBlock blocks third-party trackers and protects your privacy. If you like Ultra Adblock, share it with others. Your positive feedback helps me improve it. Thanks! ---------------------------------- ★ Reviews - Fast AdBlock Users (we are proud) Leonardo Veiga ★★★★★ I rate Fast AdBlock at 5 stars because it is the most effective ad blocker. Leah Vanke ★★★★★ I am pleased with Fast AdBlock. This blocks ads. Ryan Oswald ★★★★★ Thanks to Fast AdBlock no more ads! Works great! Ross King ★★★★★ Most of all I love this Fast AdBlock extension. good work, thanks guys. Tiffany Mendes ★★★★★ Fast AdBlock is the best solution against intrusive advertising. I recommend to everyone. Alyssa Wallake ★★★★★ Fast AdBlock works great for me - it's so nice that this nervous advertisement no longer bothers me. Wilson Garcia ★★★★★ It’s so cool - it blocks ads, especially click-through slide shows! Thanks to the developers of Fast AdBlock. Emma Kelly ★★★★★ Fast AdBlock works 100%, I checked it and blocked all ads. Diana Williams ★★★★★ I am honestly impressed with the work of Fast AdBlock. Surely, 5 stars. Thanks! Richard Morris ★★★★★ Fast AdBlock is the best ad blocker you can get, it's just awesome, I totally recommend using it! David Edwards ★★★★★ Very impressive! Thanks Fast AdBlock for helping me destroy all this stupid ad! ---------------------------------- List of Fast AdBlock changes (major changes): - Minor technical fixes for ease of use Fast AdBlock - Increased speed of Fast AdBlock - Updated Fast AdBlock UI Material - Minor minor fixes for Fast AdBlock - Added Fast AdBlock control button on the toolbar


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