Make Medium Readable Again

生产工具插件大小: 10.76KiB版本: v 1.5.2更新时间: 2021-12-21
大小:10.76KiB版本:v 1.5.2更新时间:2021-12-21

Neutralizes annoying parts of the Medium reading experience and lets you read again.

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Make Medium Readable Again 描述:



扩展大小:10.76 KiB


版本:v 1.5.2

Make Medium Readable Again 插件简介:

这是来自Chrome商店的 Make Medium Readable Again 浏览器插件,您可以在当前页面下载它的最新版本安装文件,并安装在Chrome、Edge等浏览器上。

Make Medium Readable Again插件下载方法/流程:


Make Medium Readable Again插件安装教程/方法:


(2) 从设置->更多工具->扩展程序 打开扩展程序页面,或者地址栏输入 Chrome://extensions/ 按下回车打开扩展程序页面

(3) 打开扩展程序页面的“开发者模式”

(4) 将crx文件拖拽到扩展程序页面,


Medium is pretty annoying to read when you're not logged in. This extension quietly fixes that on any Medium publication you visit. It makes your reading experience more bearable by: * Keeping the top navigation bar from sticking around * Hiding the bottom "Get Updates" bar completely * Shrinking massive header images * Hiding "posts meter" bar and Upgrade header button * Hiding "Open in App" button on mobile * Blocking the "pardon the interruption" popup * (Optionally) hiding the clap / share bar * (Optionally) loading all post images up front, instead of lazy loading as you scroll * (Optionally) disabling the popup menu that appears when selecting text This extension is open source software! Want to contribute? Feel free: **A note about permissions**: this extension currently needs access on all sites, as certain Medium publications exist on custom domains. You can verify there isn't anything funny going on by looking at the code, and submit a patch if you'd like to improve this! UPDATES v1.5.2 * Fix "Disable Highlight Menu" option v1.5.1 * Remove unneeded 'browser_action' value (affects Firefox users) v1.5 * Block "Pardon the interruption" popup * Hide DNT message v1.4 * Option to disable the popup menu that appears when selecting text * Hide "posts meter" bar and Upgrade header button * Hide "Open in App" button on mobile v1.3.1 * Fix Medium detection bug v1.3 * Automatically shrink massive header images v1.2 * Fix extension not applying after navigating to a post from a publication * Add option to disable loading dynamic / lazy image loading


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