
The dictionary can be used to lookup Chinese words by simplified or traditional Chinese or reverse lookup from English equivalent.
Swap protocol Decentralized Exchange
Bring the power of CRM into your Gmail Inbox! With the Pepper Cloud CRM extension, stay connected to your CRM, while working on…
The Parsimony SOPbox™ extension assists with loading, browsing, and viewing Standard Operating Procedures for tasks across websites.
Proxy web requests through remote HeartbeatRM Agents.
ReQorder is a screen-recording software platform that allows users to record virtually anything: Co-browsing sessions, demos,…
Print to PriApps
Autopilot is a chrome extension that helps you boost sales productivity by automating common emails.
Calculate percentage differences between two values. Useful for YoY or MoM Growth.
Color themes for Google Meets. Select a range of colors for Google Meet.
Upgrade Gmail. Install the missing button to just unsubscribe.
A secure and shareable password manager.
Record your screen and save a video file on your computer
Get a quick preview of links before visiting.
This extension helps people easly follow their patreons' updates.
Browser extension to enable screen capturing
Monitor your card progression checklist
This extension allow to suffix url on one click.
Keep Pandora and Netflix playing continuously-support for more streaming services coming soon!
Substack tooling suite for creators and readers
Shows the number of unread Codeable notifications in the document title (Gmail style)
This is the creatives plugin for MM <> AR
Your personal AI. Find your own content anywhere you have it.
Daily Crypto lets you add crypto tokens to easily track their prices, price change & 24h highs and lows in your new browser tab!
The Hull University Buddy browser extension is a helpful tool for students to use.
Spotify Player+ | A simpler way to control your music.
Automatically skip the songs you disliked on YouTube Music
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