
Set your favorite music and video clips to play just when you want it.
AdBlock Pause temporarily disables your ad blocking extensions and reloads the current page with one-click.
Remove Friends On Facebook
Split PDF Files Online in Seconds!
Make and receive calls in our extension. Use your custom templates to make the contact match more comfortable than ever.
Overwhelmed by too many to-dos in your inbox? Turn Gmail into an effortless task manager to never forget anything important at work.
Reflektive - People Management Suite that helps managers and employees work better together
For example. To mark important sentence. To Write operations during Screencast. MPen is simple graffiti tool.
Hide harmful sites from Google search results.
It opens a new tab on a video player
Простой Яндекс-переводчик - удобный плагин для работы с текстом.
A Chrome Extension to boost your productivity!
Changes the color temperature of websites.
Copies tab URLs of all tabs to clipboard, and opens new tabs with URLs from clipboard.
Takes vital information from an Ancestry Family Tree profile page and makes it easy to search FamilySearch.org using those details.
Allows Chrome to use the full version of Outlook Web Access, instead of being stuck in the light version.
An extension for managing assignments and due dates
Send a link to the uTorrent Web UI
You can browse smartphone websites. Configuration is saved to HTML5 filesystem.
Stylish audio equalizer in your browser's toolbar popup.
Make more sales in less time. Free and unlimited real-time email tracking, email scheduling, and automated email follow-up (Pings).
Chrome extension for comfortable image blocking.
This collaborative bookmarking tool is the best way to capture and share web content within your team or across your organization.
This extension imports recipes from your favorite sites into your Plan to Eat account.
Manage extensions, quickly enable/disable, remove malware extension, uninstall extension, or view list of extensions and apps
Download HTML tables in MS Excel style CSV format.
在Yahoo Mail™中隐藏广告。
Password Revealer
TRACK is an app pushed to any school device selected by officials, and allows schools to collect active and inactive use data…
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