
Copy screenshots of videos directly to your clipboard
Create in-app guides (Zips) on any platform at Johns Hopkins Enterprise
Job Tracking System from impacteers.club
Playback a Zip (guided step-by-step experience) on any platform at Johns Hopkins Enterprise.
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Replace the new tab with a list of frequently visited sites.


New tab hub containing a list of your favourite subreddits, Twitch live streamers and upcoming esports matches.
An Easy to go extension! A new tab organised with all your information.
Bink makes your browser Homescreen Beautiful with Daily new Wallpapers and Motivational Quotes.
A cat, growing at every tab open!
Live Cryptocurrency rates for your browser
This extension will remove Youtube ads for you.
Did you ever think that to make small changes in your life? May be this one is one of them. Apex Legends Pathfinder Animated…
Texas Legal Resources Page
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New tab replacement featuring a new image and inspirational quote every day
A much improved new tab page!
Open a new tab to a new motivational quote and a reminder of life. Carpe diem, memento mori.
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