
Convert PDF files to FB2
SuiteTime facilitates user to fill time tracking details from all NetSuite Forms through a Button click within 10 seconds.
Consistency helps you to build your habits by blocking websites you don't want to visit.
Uma mãozinha na hora de enviar um WhatsApp para quem não é seu contato.
A platform for real-time two-way customizable data sync of CRM, ERP, eCommerce, Marketing, Contacts, Calendar, etc.
Integrate VoIP Int with your web CRM and C2C
Improve your AllRecipes Experience
Extracts and displays the itemID property of Sitecore pages.
Hides Medium.com articles from Hacker News and Designer News.
Disable the auto scoll after answer sumbmission on WebAssign.net
This epic extension can encode and decode text with a secret password so no one can read it!
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This extension is for LiveHealth for Diagnostics, Cloud Solution, where National Identity Number can be parsed.
Quickly do a search that opens results in a background tab!! Bind to a hotkey for even more usefulness
Dive into the analysis and learn when it is the best time to post on Reddit
Searches Salesforce for selected text
Play pronunciation from Forvo in Jisho
Find Lead from Linkedin profiles or websites.
Summarize web pages
Access your NCDB groups, notifications, and library right from your Chrome toolbar.
Filters Tor .onion domains via the Blacklist given at ahmia.fi.
Create link as Markdown format using selected text or page title, and stock the link. Then copy all stocked links to ClipBoard.
Switch the color mode of any page
Dig deeper into what matters to you. Discover content related to any page you’re browsing.
Demo of ChitChatChimp Chatbot inside ChromiCode Extension
Translate your selected text with Google Translate in one click. Translation in a simplest way.
Very simple mortgage calculator for UK. Simply drag the slider to see your monthly repayment cost.
Salesforce Booster
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