
Block Unenrolling from Google Classroom
Coinbase Wallet extension is the safest and easiest way to use crypto apps in your browser.
Fast and reliable ad blocking software.
A gorgeous color picker tool
HTML5 Video speed controller - Adjust playback rate; Increase and decrease video playback speed.
Saladict 沙拉查词是一款专业划词翻译扩展,为交叉阅读而生。大量权威词典涵盖中英日韩法德西语,支持复杂的划词操作、网页翻译、生词本与 PDF 浏览。
Allow selecting, copying, pasting and right clicking in some restricted pages.
Amazon and FBA product research made easy. Extract rank, sales volume, estimated revenue and more without entering the product page.
Productivity extension for Amazon !!! Works only on amazon.com. For other marketplaces please use the extended version:…
Download files with Eagleget
The Hacker's Browser. Vimium provides keyboard shortcuts for navigation and control in the spirit of Vim.
一站式翻译您的网页、标记的文字段落和 Netflix 影集字幕。快速翻译和学习多达 103 种语言。
Adds basic support for launching ClickOnce applications (by Menarva Ltd).
Automate your web browser. Record and replay repetitious work
Protect and autofill passwords with the world's most trusted and #1 downloaded secure password manager and digital vault.
翻譯Netflix, Youtube, iFlix上的字幕,查字典,藉由遊戲學習英語字彙
Save ink. Save paper. Print only the web content you need.
Ad blocker fast, effective and easy to use.
重新实现 Google 图片的“查看图片”和“以图搜图”按钮。
A simple, secure and fast Cardano ADA wallet.
Override system power-saving settings.
A plugin for automatically pressing Skip Ad button on youtube videos.
Блокирует баннеры, текстовые объявления, видеорекламу, всплывающие pop-up окна и рекламные системы слежения.
Video AdBlocker
Расширение, которое необходимо установить для работы в ЕСЭП пользователей, использующих версию Chrome 42+.
One-click access to millions of scholarly articles.
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