
Record high quality videos of browsing tabs, quickly and easily.
A tiny offline QR codes generator; no tracking, minimal permissions
Like an Ad Blocker, but for information about Rob Ford. Take a break from the madness.
CFCA Security Application Development Kit
Automatically kill idle tabs
Opener automatically accsess the registed websites when you click this Opener icon.
Check pull requests in GitHub's projects
Hide Facebook posts that contains spoilers!
Allows users to manage bookmarks, browsing history, text clips in the cloud, and also setup scheduled browsing
Read and generate QRCode
Removes initial merge description when merging on GitHub
shrtr.cc link shortener extension
Feedly keyboard shortcuts for Google Reader users
Append email body as a note on the client in a chosen CRM
BTC-E bitcoin exchange rates plugin.
Capture and organize design inspiration from anywhere on the web
Picks a random task from a selected Asana workspace.
Removes images of Trump and replace his name with ******
Расширение для браузера, предоставляющее инструменты для облегчения процесса совершения торговых сделок.
Enhanced web searching and page finding
See the list of installed browser extensions with granted permissions.
An extension to save and share Chrome sessions
Power tools for sales / business development
Save your tabs for later!
Caius 给大家做一点微小的工作
A Chrome extension to quickly Google an image.
Determine if Target Test is running and identify which test(s)
Detect anchor links and call using crm
Makes navigating the FR easier.
Open up featured songs from YouTube videos onto Spotify.
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