
Easily print quizzes from Canvas.
The easiest way to access all the productivity settings and developer tools hidden in the Google Chrome™ browser.
Preview emails in inbox.
Open a page or document in the V-DOCS client software to sign
Videos will be maximized to the browser window. the difference from fullscreen a video is that it will not block the entire screen.
——Access your RFPIO Answer Library from Google Chrome——
Manage extensions - a simple menu to enable, disable and access options of extensions.
Watch lectures ~1.5x faster by fast-forwarding long pauses between sentences
Converts web page phone numbers to dialable links
The Avaya Spaces Extension enables screen sharing across the web-based, Avaya Spaces app.
Makes note editing take up the full browser window
Easily add new Leads to your lemlist campaigns!
Embeds the Custom Fields app into your Shopify store. See https://apps.shopify.com/custom-fields-2
Easy & intuitive tally counter for keeping track of anything you want.
View & extract any zip file via an easy-to-use UI right in your browser!
Block URLs by blacklist
Reveal the password hidden behind asterisks on login pages
Identify Advertisements Using Perceptual Techniques
Vector, SVG Paint and Editor, Diagram Editor - Draw using intuitive and easy tools to paint and to design
This tool allows you to download all visible LinkedIn Sales Navigator profile data easily, and conveniently.
Extension allows you to lock tabs based on address. If you lock a website you'll be asked for prompt on close.
Chromebook printing from Printix cloud print management service.
Display a tree of bookmarks under a toolbar button, and search your bookmarks in the omnibox using the keyword 'bm'.
Adds work-in-progress limits to Trello lists supporting a Kanban workflow.
Save PDF, images or webpages - opened in Chrome - to the cloud drive. You can select a folder where the file should be saved.
Use voice to type, click anything, scroll, watch videos, open webpages, make custom voice shortcuts and more.
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