
CRM Integration Powered by VERSAVoice
Not just an alarm for focusmate!
Launch bookmarks based on rules.
Transforming recruiting industry using deep tech
With the snapshot capture extension, you can take snapshots of pages for analysis in Experience Analytics (Tealeaf).
Copy and paste accent letters on just one click.
Integrate your top suppliers with Compleat in seconds, so that you can code, approve, & manage your orders within Compleat.
Keep track of who's given their update during your stand ups! Available for Google Meet meetings.
Facilitates the reading experience on multiple news websites
Make your web experience more fun!
Get more privacy with Stop Ads Wonder! This extension will make your browsing experience safer and more efficient by blocking…
Timetracker with synchronization to the Jira Tempo-Plugin.
Seu buscador de renda fixa.
Simplest way to add web content to getSparks
Stay connected to your ClinicSoftware account
Scrumulator allows your team to easily and consistently determine story points, improving the accuracy of sprint planning
Imversed is a browser extension wallet for the own ecosystem.
Essa extensão permite que o RPA Satelitti acesse e automatize páginas da Web no Chrome através do recurso de gravação. Usando o…
We help No-code platforms run in-app tutorials. Upload the test script and our extension will guide you step by step inside any…
An Organised Task List or To Do List to Make All Things Done.
The extension automates the login process for the services of Technical University of Munich (TUM; eg. moodle, mail LaTeX).
Scan your job description and take an interview on Huru Mobile App.
Quixy’s extension helps you to intelligently extract text from images and videos.
Bot for PrimeDate web-site
Upload tracking numbers automatically into Paypal without the need to manually upload one by one.
Add Open link with view-source to context menu.
Removes HTML frames when viewing PDFs of articles
Tacodi Extension
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