
Share the url you are visiting in single click
A reminder app designed just for gmail
Teachers can use The Feedback Hack without having to switch tabs.
Autocompletes an input from the interface with the value displayed by E-Scale Chrome Application
Display a notification on selected websites to remind you to get back to work.
Create shipping labels from addresses on any website.
Put links back into the grey Google Bar
See what's next on your Codesmith schedule!
Locale Switcher for SMC(Salesforce Marketing Cloud ExactTarget) Help Portal
Hide all price references on Etherscan so you don't get distracted when you're deploying and testing your smart contracts
Connect By Geens
Helps users of the silesian public transport choose between tariffs
Automation for Dharma.Unity3d
Rockwood Chain Wallet
Add laser sharp focus to lists on any Trello board.
Quick Launch MIKEL, Inc.
This extension allows the user to set a timer that automatically closes the tab.
Fast comment for funny image in page
Tab switcher for browsers
Easily synch events to Liquid Planner from your Google Calendar.
Ever been annoyed, that the accepted answer is on top instead of the most upvoted one? Get this plugin to change this.
Adds a Google Maps popup window for quick location lookup.
Exporta a lista dos seus livros exibidos na sua biblioteca da Casa do Código para arquivo Excel.
Browser Web Extension for Volusion. Adds Whitepages Pro Identity Check functionality to their webpage.
TitleAndUrl extension!
Get your digested web articles in 1-click with HUNDUN.
Scroll up or down the page in one click
Clicking on this will toggle showing all the text in the password inputs on this webpage
Remember what you read!
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