
Binds customizable hotkeys to the train/fight again links.
Get the summary of the Wikipedia page
Display max bid, min ask and market value of the cards in your deck.
Controls speed of your video
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A simple extension that allows you to schedule Jitsi Meetings and stream your desktop into Jitsi conferences.
Shows which week of the year it is.
Save links to read later across any chrome.
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Oust app Live Training extension for Chrome. This requires user to have a valid Oust App license
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Pins images from current page to a Pinry installation.
This extension allows to share the entire desktop or a single application when connected to a Loquace Meeting server.
Add filter search bar on Github activity page
Integrate Octobox directly into your GitHub workflow
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Visited links in London Stock Exchange will have red background color.
Hadouken tools and support services.
This extension allows users to shorten the URL and protect it with a password
Free URL shortening service that turn a long URL into a very short and easy to remember URL.
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Phishing Boat Email helps prevent phishing attacks by alerting Gmail users to emails from unfamiliar email addresses.
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