
View and navigate all open tabs.
A simple extension that allows you to stream your desktop into meetings with Jitsi Meet and Jitsi Videobridge.
Adds a direct link to download 7th Circuit argument audio
テックタッチエディターはユーザー向けのガイドを作成・編集するために必要な拡張機能です。 テックタッチエディターをChromeにご追加いただくことで、以下が可能になります。 - 実際のウェブサイト上でガイドを作成・編集する -……
Build an Extension!
Media Discoverability Research by Ecole des Médias et du Numérique, Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Clear G-bar.
This extension helps you compare bitcoin prices across different exchanges and convert bitcoin into different currencies
This extension allows you to export orders data from shopee to Worderan
Chrome extension for convenient xpub access
You can manage your tabs easily using tabber
Instantly shows everything you need to know about your VivifyScrum Items in your Inbox
Auto completion for chatwork.
Moves slack text box to top of page.
Go to the next or previous sibling of the current bookmark.
If you are healthy, use this to skip the form.
This extension adds Vox Charta links to arXiv abstracts
Enhance Your Syracuse Experience
This chrome extension will generate a qr code for the url on the address bar.
Create a private channel with text or images and share them with friends. Using Bolt, even the creators can't see your data.
This extension saves the current tabs prfile and one can open the saved tab profile for later use.
Canada Task Force Oscar extension
Chrome extension to save and restore tabs using Trello
An extension for maintaining your productivity by blocking sites
A browser extension that lets you hide some of your notifications
Easily navigate the Metaverse.
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