
Focus Blocker
Add new backlinks from the browser to your Backlinker Pro account.
Helps user to track their browsing activity in terms of educational websites.
App Launcher
Share the screen from your computer in a conversation with A1, to show desktop applications and receive support from the telecom.
Updates Trello to be easier to use and more aesthetically pleasing.
Send native message to Cavoak Bot.
This extension helps to prevent all scientifically proven damages, caused by high frequencies in web-image compression and barcodes.
Enkla tillägg och funktioner till Feber.se
This extension shows which of the DZ Estúdio's bathrooms are free to use.
This extension acts as a Form fill and password manager.
Shows you the QR code of your current webpage.
Make the Grace Hopper 2018 schedule easier to visualize!
Extension that improve booking capabilities for users
Scroll to the top of the page.
Safe Mail Email filter extension.
the night sky image downloader
Grants calendar superpowers
Hides the news feed on facebook.com & the new item indicator on twitter.
Don't miss a cheap auction with the AH Scanner
יאשקה אבא
Web statistics tracking.
Test your knowledge after watching Youtube Videos
Quick launch BizLoan calculator
テックタッチエディターはユーザー向けのガイドを作成・編集するために必要な拡張機能です。 テックタッチエディターをChromeにご追加いただくことで、以下が可能になります。 - 実際のウェブサイト上でガイドを作成・編集する -……
Text expander working all over the web
Rearranges the title of GitHub tabs so issue/PR numbers show before the title--reference numbers without switching tabs.
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