
Mutes all HTML5 videos when opening a webpage. No more annoying websites blasting videos at you with no warning!
Now you can Change the current page color
Browse cleaner LinkedIn
An BSC Wallet in your Browser
Device GUID
KT bizmeka EZ 근무 계산기
YouTube will automatically shut down if it exceeds the specified time. Don't waste your time anymore.
Ferramenta para exportar gráficos do ArcGIS Dashboards
Block distracting websites so you can focus.
Use copiR to copy a youtube video title to clipboard and open a new spotify web player window with the title searched.
Espera o contato estar online para mandar uma mensagem para ele. Assim, a mensagem é enviada em um momento em que seu contato deve…
Byndr Browser Extension - New learning companion
New tabs display a blank page.
Scrape Likned In data
A clean and easy way to organize your bookmarks and add your own personalized notes and reminders to them.
Extension to support trelica.com
Detail a workspace - block everything else.
Sapphire is an advanced site blocker
A little help when writing dev.to posts
Get your podcast episodes for today on spotify
Adds features to UBC SSC
Generate reports automatically for replit.com repositories
Load images lazily
This companion extension for MonAmi Note Cloud - a markdown note-taking app - allows quick note writing when browsing web pages
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You can keep multiple bundles of tabs.
Enable a safe browsing experience by controlling the list of websites that can be visited.
File faster at the Federal Court of Canada
Browser extension to copy hyperlinks with selected text as Markdown
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