
This extension helps Sku Grid users to update price & stock on Facebook Marketplace based on supplier’s data at Sku Grid.
Add comments to live websites and interactive content in Filestage
Chrome plugin for setting a homepage for the incognito mode
Finds links and emails in text and makes them clickable.
This tool can help you review your bookmarks.
Proteja o acesso ao Internet Banking do seu banco com o SurfDog.
Send an url to UrlQuery
Share the screen of your computer.
Provides the capability to provision credentials like certificates into devices like smart cards.
Cleaner Manager is an easy-to-use and free extension that lets you delete your browsing history, downloads, and cookies with just a…
Enhance your web video experience. View live videos from YouTube and Twitch, and filter your YouYube subscriptions based on groups.
This extension provides additional controls to Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion, or any other HTML5 videos.
E-Reçete Barkodunu gelişmiş bir şekilde yazdırmak için kullanılan bir chrome eklentisi..
Adds a button to the compose window in Gmail that will automatically Boomerang messages based on your chosen settings
PDF to xml. Convert PDF to XML for free
This extension quickly displays a small calendar.
Change Gmail timestamps to display relative times.
自由!在全屏模式下,覆盖并使用“聊天” Twitch。
Learn vocabulary in a new language effortlessly while browsing the web.
Open-source sharding multichain protocol
Chrome Extension for tracking application usage
Controls the playback speed of your youtube or udemy video
Reminds you to look away from your screen every 20min (customizable).
Punycode alert is an extension that alerts you when a unicode url has been opened preventing phishing attacks.
Automate Time & Work Anywhere
F Business Leads heps you to scrape the information from facebook search results
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