
Makes monday.com's notification drawer usable!
Amazon SEO, creative ads, secondary images, keywords extraction and lots more.
KanbanTab is the ideal default tab to help you efficiently organize tasks and build the momentum to get things done!
Screen Sharing By Wireless Display
Automatically reduces video quality when you are not watching video. Thus, saving your internet bandwidth.
This extension pastes your text even where it's disabled.
Bookmarks all tabs in the browser with once click
Расширение UMI Wallet — это весь необходимый функционал прямо в вашем браузере. Удобно, быстро, безопасно.
Rewrites all Magnet URI links to forces BitTorrent clients to use trackerless rather than server-assisted peer-discovery.
SonicBit Google Chrome Extension. One Click torrent download.
Convert PDF Tables to Excel, CSV, XML or HTML. Automate with our API.
A chrome extension to control your YouTube tabs / playback from any website / tabs.
Manage your CENNZnet accounts outside of dapps. Injects the accounts and allows signing transactions for a specific account.
CookiesBlock - block cookie pop ups, notices, warning , notifications and newsletters
Allows you to filter the options in any drop-down menu to quickly find something.
Органайзер TimeMaster для Google Chrome
Propel is the first Smart-CRM for the PR (Public Relations) industry. This Chrome extension integrates with the Propel App and…
Notlarınızı düzenleyerek dönem sonu ortalamanızı ve alacağınız belgeyi görebilirsiniz.
Automatically disable autoplay on YouTube
Allows users to read the Bible
Easily add bookmarks to any folder. Includes spotlight-like search with mouse/keyboard support. Default key: cmd+b (win:ctrl+b)
A simple tool to annotate web pages and share them through permalinks.
A extensão VHelpx possui diversas funcionalidades que irão facilitar a vida dos usuários que trabalham com o ecossistema VTEX
Customize your new tab background with a beautiful Bing homepage images.
Look up persian words using Vajehyab
Protects and secures your online presence by using a virtual keyboard & renders any spyware key loggers useless.
一款支持查询农历/二十四节气/公共假日/月相图的日历插件 📅
Extensão para o site vk.com
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