
Capture screen shots of your web browser and download them automatically.
Blocks access to distracting websites to improve your productivity.
A LDR inspired feed reader
FBA or FBM which is best for your business?Amazon FBA calculator helps you estimate the revenue, cost, profit for Amazon products.
Accelerate your English learning by TED. Show subtitles in two languages at once, auto-stop at the end and repeat again.
IndiaMart - Contacts Exporter - Bulk Whatsapp
Global Media Keys For Tidal
Ma'ayan Lab
This extension gives you shortcut to so many browser options
This extension adds a 'Crosspost to Weasyl' button to various art sites.
Provides translated subtitles based on the closed subtitles of the video
Hover, preview
Read your Facebook messages without notifying your friends
Analog Clocks with TimeZone options for FVD Speed Dial [FVD]
Generate QR codes instantly ⚡
jdCaptcha add-on to access jdCaptcha website and features faster.
Changes the background color to increase readability.
Desktop The Web
Pin Tabs on Chrome by default or manually under all windows
Display the likelihood that a sample of text was generated by OpenAI's GPT-2 model.
This modern adblock removes all advertisements on YouTube: pre-roll video ads, text & banner ads.
This Chrome extension allows FFL Boss users to automate the FBI's LEEP background check.
Barcode Generator. Generate a barcode from any text and get an image instantly
Easiest way to study on cyber campus
A browser extension to easily download files from Thingiverse™.
Automatically record papers and their codes from Arxiv, OpenReview & more! Organize your library with tags, links and quick notes.
Stay focussed on what you have to do
Buscador de Iberley
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