
Spec Tabs
Make yourself more productive with Space Tab - extension that adapts to your desires!
a download manager with multi-threading support
Summer Tab
Handy Tab
Exceptional ad blocking performance. Block banner, video ads, context ads, popups, and more
Awesome Screenshot Minus all the junk
Add Persistent Sticky Notes anywhere on any web page, they will reappear when you re-open the page
Translate the selected text!
A browser extension to upload files to WeTransfer.
Launch Highfive App from Chrome
shopeefans.com - 虾皮卖家助手,一键铺货,高效运营,帮助卖家快速掘金东南亚。
Simple bookmarklet extension to capture references into EndNote online.
Capture and save web pages and screenshots from your browser to Joplin.
Free Amazon keyword ranking & indexation check tool by AMZDataStudio - The most accurate Amazon seller tool for keyword research.
ConfluxPortal 浏览器插件
Web Clipper che funziona! Il modo più semplice per ritagliare testo, immagini, collegamenti, e-mail e pdf da pagine Internet e…
Translate texts within page context, customize your own style of popup block, and more.
One of the best Auto Refresh app on the market. Refresh your pages on selected time interval. Super simple and easy to use.
Automatically copy selected text to the clipboard. Has many configurable options for controlling the behavior.
Same as Toby, but not on the new tab. Organize your browser tabs and access them quickly anywhere.
Grammar, spelling and style checker. Get suggestions on writing improvements
Show Oracle Smart View content. Supports Smart View or later
Keyword Tool Dominator Extension
Switch to night mode and the display is much easier on your eyes!
Autosave, everywhere. Recover lost form input with ease!
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