
Use .sol domains in the browser!
Beautiful New Tab page with a world clock widget
Share your comments with others on Redfin properties
Create easily shareable step-by-step guides in seconds
Gather feedback from everywhere on the web
EZ Bitcoin wallet for creating new bitcoin addresses, creating and broadcasting new bitcoin transactions.
Adult Site Blocker
Sends pause/resume command to a suitable client.
Click the extension's toolbar button, then switch to another Chrome window — selected tab(s) will move to that window.
Find HTTP Servers in the .local domain using Zeroconf
Workday Calendar for 'My Absence', 'My Time Off' and 'Time Off and Leave Requests' pages
Idiom helps you read foreign-language websites. Load any website. Then click any word to see its meaning.
Gmail Integration for Salesforce allows you to track important email replies from Gmail to Salesforce, view and manage Salesforce…
BetterMaplewood, a browser extension to make your maplewood experience better
A bookmark bar swapper, allowing you to switch between multiple bookmark bars such as 'Work' and 'Personal'
Discover Google Apps for work
A time management stopwatch that allows you to track time for multiple items at once.
A simple and affordable calculator that is always on hand. Maximum fast and easy.
Shortcuts for the Jhana Grove WiFi system.
Create unlimited free temporary email adresses to prevent any spam in your personal mailbox.
Protect your digital identity and take control of your privacy
One click access to Google Tasks™
Make tabs come back later
Save up to 7 articles to read later.
EssayKick Research Clipper
After added to Google Chrome, when watching YouTube clips if an ad pops up MutAd will mute the volume and will skip the ad once…
Tool for Amazon FBA Sellers
Tools for Pontoon and its integration into the browser.
Розширення браузера для клієнтів Monobank.
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