
Simplify Wikipedia's layout by hiding the menu (still expandable via button). Also works on most mediawiki wikis.
Check your A/B Test and make a confident data-driven decision.
Chatwhizz Screen Share Extension by Webkul
Scan QR Code to copy URL
Extends the KeyStore app on your Windows PC, so you can fill passwords in your browser.
Allows to natively specify shortcuts for speed up or slow down active video
Browser extension for the password manager application Cryptonify
Popout a tab into its own self-contained window.
Add personalized images to your outreach email templates and sequences. For details on how to use the outreach extension, check…
The Chinese-English Buddhist dictionary can be used to find terms with forward and multi-language lookup.
This extension will find loads on navispherecarrier.com.
The best way to create and print a grocery shopping list.
Identify business leads and find their email addresses all within Google Sheets. With the Pickaxe Chrome extension, you can search…
Navis Pomodoro - Time management.
Select from multiple accounts to create new Google Documents & open Google services.
Use Tigon Recruiter anywhere
Reading made easy - for everyone!
Bu eklenti csv formatindaki sinav notlarinin hizli bir sekilde Namik Kemal Universitesi otomasyonuna girilmesini saglar.
Google Meet Auto Admit- Made In india
Extension will alert user whenever a slot is available as per User's Criteria
Allow Reddit's top sort to use other time durations than the default ones.
Supporting redirection to KNU pages easily for KNU students
Te arregla la vida%
Helping the internet follow HIPAA
This extension indexes rarity data for NFT collections and displays rankings directly on OpenSea.
allows a simple button press to archive webpages to archive.today/peeep, if the page is from twitter, tweetsave is used as well.
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