
24by7search.com includes Secure Search engine and links to useful Websites.
AliExpress Search by Image with an image url or image file.
etf2l.org QoL extension
Get torrent search results directly in IMDb page, you're welcome ;)
The Regex Search. Simply use Regex on any page with familiar Ctrl+F visuals. Works with all websites!👌 Features: ✓ Ctrl+Shift+F…
Lets you quickly search any selected term in the Book Depository
Adds a button to hide Collection-Only items on eBay.
Use DuckDuckGo Bangs in the Google Search
Switch between different search engines.
TDK Türkçe Sözlük Tarayıcı Eklentisi
Sets your search engine to Ocean Rescuers and customizes your new tab page, so you can save the oceans with each search.
This extension is a starting point to find plagiarism on github
See relevant content from the Digital Public Library of America in Wikipedia
Agora você pode deixar o seu navegador ainda mais LOUCO e ter acesso a todos os canais do Osasco Voleibol Clube.
Display NFT Ranking on Paras
This extension adds a context menu option for selected text in order to find video related to the text
Tool for notifying on car searches in mobile.de and autoscout24.com
XYO - Apps to the People, re-imagine how people discover mobile apps. XYO.net is an app search engine for all smartphones, just…
Easily use the context menu to search for a highlighted beer name on Untappd, RateBeer or BeerAdvocate.
Linking Wikipedia articles to Cochrane reviews
To activate: type 'kk' followed by a space, then enter the alias to resolve.
Chrome extension that adds in a class's concentration to Vanderbilt's class search tool, YES.
Быстрый поиск выделенного текста (наименования компонента) в поисковой системе eFind.ru
product finder
Lista firme cu 3,5 milioane de firme românești din 1990-2016 cu informații financiare și date de contact.
Save time when sourcing candidates.
Upwork Auto proposal - fully automated system which allows to apply on latest jobs in smart way you can apply to job as freelancer
Displays UConn professor ratings in Student Admin
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