
Base Level Extension
List of websites post for scientific research
Instala esta extensión para no perderte los ultimos Airdrops. Actualizado cada semana con las ultimas novedades.
Upscale Engage simplifies your sales outreach by building your contact database through LinkedIn. Upscale Engage is a free…
Buddy Tab
OneViz allows Amazon KDP authors to visualise their KDP sales data and book performance in a concise.
易搜 (EasySearch) 对你选中的关键字提供快捷搜索功能。
Moly Chrome bővítmény. Keresd meg a könyvet a Moly.hu-n
Personalized and easy search!
This extensions lets you to easily switch between search engines directly from the new tab page
Get showtimes and ratings of the movies in theaters in Trinidad and Tobago.
Search something on google, select some text below one of the result link, click the link and text you selected will be highlighted
EPO's bibliographic, worldwide legal status, full-text and image databases.
A browser extension that lets you grow your personal web of knowledge. Currently it lets you store pages you visited, and search…
Find any Business Email in Real Time!
Search Snopes to fact check dodgy internet claims
Search all homes by coordinates
Internic.ca provides you with a browser extension that integrates smoothly with our WHOIS lookup service.
Select any text on a webpage, right-click and then "Search" in Kurd IT Group Dictionary.
Find B2B contact information behind social media profiles with a click of the mouse.
Get notified when new job listed!
Quickly Search on Any Wiki.
Reverse phone number lookup
Get movie info and aggregated movie ratings (IMDB and RT) quickly - rather than having to go search for reviews.
Search ServiceNow within Chrome omnibox itself - by akeelnazir.com
Quick launch of Coders Tokyo
Get alert for ticket bookings instantly.
This extension use to automate clicks thank button on "details" page at SiamBIT
Scrape the information from asklaila.com
Find Company details
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