
Movie Search
Search By MovixHub
Ask Search for Chrome offers convenient browsing tools.
Search through the game servers for a player!
Search with optimized results powered by Yahoo!
Take back your online privacy by using Startpage as your default search engine.
All the GIFs and Stickers from GIPHY.com in a compact extension. Just search, then drag and drop!
SEO Minion helps you in your daily SEO tasks such as On-Page SEO analysis, Broken Link Checking, SERP Preview and more
Search the web using this useful tool from the address bar.
Safe Site helps block harmful and malicious URLs to improve your internet experience and keep you safe.
Provides two search profiles for parents and children respectively to keep the family’s search activities separated and safe.
Search Roblox servers for a desired player
Access your email from your browser search bar and search the web.
Intelligently warns you of adult search query and removes adult autocomplete suggestions from your address bar.
Access safety indicators on your search results page to avoid harmful sites with our Search extension.
A smart tool to provide quick links to search for your favorite movies and shows from your address bar.
Secured Browse for Chrome™ offers you an easily accessible option to search personal and sensitive information in an Incognito mode
Plus ajoute des résultats complémentaires à vos recherches pour vous aider à trouver ce que vous cherchez. Ces résultats peuvent…
Qmee rewards you for the searches you do everyday.
Search goods on Aliexpress by image
A powerful reverse image search tool, with support for various search engines, such as Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu and TinEye.
Free access to academic papers with just a single click via sci-hub!
Online Music Player, find your favorite music artist from all over the world in one click, no download needed, no registration.
Enhances the Google Play Store™ with various features.
SignalHire is a great way to find contact information in a couple of clicks.
Automatically proceed with multi-search, champion analysis, and rune settings to make your games more comfortable.
Image Search Options for Chrome provides a set of highly customizable reverse image search context menu options.
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