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This extension forces a google image or video search to always use SafeSearch, even when using incognito mode.
An extension to follow the evolution of your browser fingerprint! Be notified as soon as a change is detected!
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Search Plus is a powerful search engine, offering you a variety of unique features and search tools.
Port of Firefox Quick Find features + awesome new ones. Search results in one location. Navigate to links in just a few keystrokes.
'CLEER' is the '(C)ompleted (L)istings on (E)Bay (E)xtension for (R)esellers'. I developed it for anyone who wants to quickly…
Search the web using Fanatics Search!
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Chrome Controller allows you to bing the relaxation of the console environment straight to your Mac/PC using your controller.
Check keyword difficulty right from your browser! Just put in your Keysearch API key and you can check the SEO keyword difficulty…
Find IT candidates via CandyJar
Search information on any opened website via special commands of popular search engines. (Google, Yandex, etc.).
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Adds LEOs dictionaries to the context menu. Select text in any webpage and open the context menu to look up words quickly.
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This extension allows you to filter adult content from your search. your default search engine will be changed to Yahoo!
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